Alessandro De Maria was born in Bonn, Germany on 20 October 1987.
In June 2014, he obtained a Law Degree from Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, with studies abroad at Università Boccini di Milano, specializing in international private and procedural law, with focus on the German and Italian jurisdiction.
In May 2014, he passed the first state examination in the Land Baden-Württemberg.
During his legal clerkship (Referendariat) at Higher Regional Court of Cologne, he practiced for the 18th Section of the District Court of Bonn, the department of public prosecution in Bonn, leading international law firm in Frankfurt am Main and for the German Ministry of Justice, operating primarily in civil, commercial, and international law.
In May 2019, he passed the second state examination in the Land Nordrhein-Westfalen, making him eligible to as a judge or a lawyer (assessor of law).
He is a regular visiting scholar at the Institut für ausländisches und internationales Privat- und Wirtschaftsrecht at the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität in Heidelberg.
He has been collaborating with Bordiga Xerri Law Firm since June 2019.
Since August and October 2019 respectively, he is a registered “Rechtsanwalt” with the Cologne Bar Association and “Avvocato stabilito” with the Bar Association of Milan and practicing in both countries.
Since 2023 he is a member of Villa Vigoni, German-Italian Center for the European Dialogue located on Lake Como.